A new director at the CIVS
Published on 01/06/2023 - Updated on 05/04/2024

Mr. Gilles Bon-Maury is appointed Director of the CIVS from June 1, 2023, after the departure of Mr. Jérôme Bénézech, who left his post on March 31, 2023. The interim was provided by Mrs. Sylviane Rochotte, Head of the hearing secretariat.
Previously, Mr. Gilles Bon-Maury held communication positions in the services responsible for State reform and in the management of the administrative and financial services of the Prime Minister. He was then appointed to the office of the mayor of Reims, then to the office of the minister responsible for women’s rights. Before joining the CIVS, he was permanent secretary of the CSR Platform, a consultation body placed with the Prime Minister, at France Strategie.