
Published on 22/03/2024 - Updated on 27/12/2024

Chaired by Frédérique Dreifuss-Netter, Honorary member of the Cour de Cassation, the CIVS is a consultative commission reporting to the Prime Minister. Its deliberative panel decides on claims submitted to the CIVS, after they have been investigated by magistrates reporting to the CIVS. The CIVS departments register the claims, search for the information needed for the rapporteurs to examine them, organise the work of the college and monitor it.

Commission executive

Chairman: Ms Frédérique Dreifuss-Netter, Honorary Advisor to the Cour de cassation 
Vice-Chairman: Mr Christophe Devys, President of Section, Conseil d'État
Director: Mr Gilles Bon-Maury 
Principal Rapporteur: Ms Bénédicte Vassallo-Pasquet, First Advocate General to the Cour de cassation 

Members of the deliberative panel

  • Ms Alya Aglan, University Professor
  • Mr Gilles Andréani, Chamber President at the Cour des comptes
  • Ms Claire Andrieu, University Professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies
  • Mr Charles-Edouard Bucher, University Professor 
  • Mr Christophe Devys, President of Section at the Conseil d'Etat, Vice-Chairman of the Commission
  • Ms Frédérique Dreifuss-Netter, Honorary Advisor to the Court of Cassation, Chairman of the Commission
  • Ms Sarah Gensburger, Qualified personality
  • Mr Alain Lacabarats, Honorary Advisor to the Court of Cassation
  • Ms Agathe Marbaud de Brénignan, Qualified personality
  • Ms Catherine Périn, Senior Counsellor at the Cour des comptes
  • Mr Xavier Perrot, Professor at the University of Clermont Auvergne
  • Mr Dominique Ribeyre, auctioneer
  • Ms Inès Rotermund-Reynard, art historian
  • Mr Henri Toutée, Honorary Section President at the Conseil d'État

Government Commissioner

  • Mr Bertrand Dacosta, State Councillor


  • Ms Anne Berriat, Honorary Member of the Court of Cassation
  • Ms Marie-Florence Bochard, Honorary Magistrate of the administrative court system
  • Ms Brigitte Chokron, Honorary Magistrate of the regular court system
  • Ms Marie-Nil Chounet, Magistrate of the Cour des comptes
  • Mr Thierry Léon Damelincourt, Honorary Magistrate of the regular court system
  • M. Nicolas-Raphaël Fouque, Magistrate of the Cour des comptes
  • Ms Evelyne Paix, Magistrate of the administrative court system
  • Ms Dominique Reygner, Honorary Member of the Court of Cassation
  • Mr Patrick Sitbon, Honorary Member of the Cour des comptes

Permanent staff

Mr Gilles Bon-Maury, director – Ms Sylviane Rochotte, deputy director

Research Coordination Department

Mr Clément Maral, Head of Department - Mr Thomas Baumann - Mr Mayeul Lacroix de Villeneuve - Ms Cécile Poulot - Ms Isabelle Rixte

The SCR records the requests after having checked their admissibility. It identifies the nature of the spoliations declared and determines the research to be carried out. It searches archive centers (National Archives, Paris Archives, departmental archives, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, banking establishments, Paris Police Prefecture, etc.) and searches for traces of possible compensation granted by France and the Post-war Germany. In addition, it plays a key role in establishing the genealogy of spoliated families and identifying the heirs and successors by contacting civil status services and notary offices.

Hearings secretariat

Ms Sylviane Rochotte, Deputy Director, Head of Department – Ms Catherine Cercus-Chieze - Mr Matthieu Charmoillaux - Mr Emmanuel Dumas - Ms Myriam Dupont

The hearings secretariat organizes the hearings during which the requests are examined and the opinions adopted in the form of recommendations. The service is responsible for enlisting files, once the investigation by the reporting magistrates has been completed. He constitutes, for each session, an agenda and notifies the various interested parties of the session. Participating in these sessions are the members of the deliberative College, the applicants, the general rapporteur, the magistrate-rapporteur who makes proposals on the compensation to be provided, the Government Commissioner and the session secretariat. The secretariat of the sessions drafts the opinions which are addressed to the Prime Minister, sends a copy to the applicants and, where applicable, to the institutions and organizations concerned. The session secretariat also ensures the search for beneficiaries whose compensation shares have been reserved.

International relations - Berlin Archives

Mr Julien Acquatella, Head of Department – Mr Sébastien Cadet – Ms Coralie Vom Hofe

The offices of the Berlin branch are located within the French Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany. The branch searches for the necessary documents in German archives (archives of the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin, Landesarchiv Berlin, etc.). She translates, analyzes and synthesizes documents by writing research reports. She intervenes in cases of restitution of cultural property from Germany to France. She develops the international relations of the CIVS with its partners, and organizes events as the Embassy’s memory referent. It carries out a monitoring function and contributes to the Commission's external communication.

Claimant Support

Ms Myriam Dupont - Ms Nathalie Zihoune

Applicants can obtain any information relating to the procedures applied to the CIVS and the monitoring of their file. Prior to the examination of their file by the Deliberative Panel, an interview is offered to the applicants as well as to the people accompanying them. The purpose of this meeting is to present to the applicants the progress of the session, to allow them to prepare their intervention and to answer the questions they have. The files can be consulted by applicants, rights holders and their representatives, on site and by appointment.

Data supervision unit

Mr Richard Decocq - Mr Stéphane Portet

The database supervision unit, specifically dedicated to verifying files, ensures the consistency and conformity of the data recorded, ensures their control after the files have passed through the session and it allows the exploitation of statistical data. It ensures the implementation of requirements regarding the protection of personal data.

Administrative and financial affairs

Ms Nathalie Leclercq

The administrative and financial manager ensures local management of personnel and credits, in conjunction with the management of the Prime Minister's administrative and financial services. she ensures administrative and technical monitoring of the Commission's activities, and the dissemination of its statistics.

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